Removal of soft gel base (Soak-off)
Removal of soft gel base. Only for new clients or after or removing material from someone else's
Service Description
🇫🇷 Retrait de la base en soft, système hybride de gels (soak-off). Le prix du service comprend la correction de la forme et de la longueur, le polissage des ongles, et l'hydratation des cuticules avec de l'huile. CE SERVICE EST GRATUIT POUR LES CLIENTS RÉGULIERS À CONDITION QUE VOUS AYEZ FAIT VOTRE DERNIÈRE MANUCURE AVEC MOI! 🇬🇧 Removal of the soft base, hybrid gel system (soak-off). The service price includes shape and length correction, nail buffing, and cuticle moisturizing with oil. THIS SERVICE IS FREE OF CHARGE FOR REGULAR CUSTOMERS IN CASE IF THE LAST MANICURE WITH SOAK-OFF GEL BEEN DOING WITH ME! 🇷🇺 Снятие мягкой базы, гибридная система гелей (соак-офф). В стоимость услуги входит коррекция формы и длины, полировка ногтей и увлажнение кутикулы маслом. ДЛЯ ПОСТОЯННЫХ КЛИЕНТОВ ЭТА УСЛУГА БЕСПЛАТНАЯ, ПРИ УСЛОВИИ, ЧТО ПОСЛЕДНИЙ МАНИКЮР ДЕЛАЛСЯ У МЕНЯ
Cancellation Policy
‼️ BE SURE TO READ ✅️ Please note - doorbell "ABELMAN", 3rd floor. ✅️ Dear customers, please respect my time, in case of cancellation, give 48 hours notice. ❗️Cancel during 24 h - 100% charge!
Contact Details
Chemin de la Perroude 2, Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland