Manicure + Regular nail polish
Manicure with regular polish: shape correction, polish (base, color, top coat), cuticle oil.
Service Description
🇫🇷 Manucure avec application de vernis classique. Le prix du service comprend : correction de la forme et de la longueur, application de vernis (base, vernis, top coat), et hydratation des cuticules avec de l'huile en fin de procédure. Garantie de 1 semaine. 🇬🇧 Manicure with regular nail polish. The service price includes: shape and length correction, nail polish application (base, color, top coat), and cuticle moisturizing with oil at the end of the procedure. 1-week guarantee. 🇷🇺 Маникюр с покрытием обычного лака. В стоимость услуги входит: коррекция формы и длины, покрытие лаком (база, цвет, закрепитель), в конце процедуры увлажнение кутикулы маслом. Гарантия — 1 неделя.
Cancellation Policy
‼️ BE SURE TO READ ✅️ Please note - doorbell "ABELMAN", 3rd floor. ✅️ Dear customers, please respect my time, in case of cancellation, give 48 hours notice. ❗️Cancel during 24 h - 100% charge!
Contact Details
Chemin de la Perroude 2, Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland